Friday, March 16, 2007 6:04 PM
woah, so long since the blog was last updated. don't you all feel sad now that our blog looks so dead? don't you all feel guilty? ok anyway, decided that i'm sick and tired of doing my Lit essay. and so i have come here to try to make it look nicer. i realise that we have to change our blog to the new blogger otherwise we won't be able to sign in anymore. so any suggestions as to what our gmail should be? cause if you don't say anything i'll just make a normal boring gmail. like
is that ok with you all?
sheesh, why am i even asking? hardly anyone comes here anymore. and this sucks. i mean, yeah sure i understand that you're all busy and stuff, cause i am too. but at least bother to type a few stuff to make it more alive can?
ok won't leave my name in case some people complain that i nag like an old lady. haha. but i think those who were really close to me should recognise my language style. unless of course i have changed that much that even my language style has evolved.
great, now i'm crapping. hais. ok bye people.

5:58 PM
yeah ok i changed our blog to the new blogger...
so now if and when you people wanna post something click on the new blogger thing and then under the username type
then the password is the same as always. for those who forgot the password, here's a clue: it's edible. haha.
yeah so please please please try to keep this thing alive. just a few words per person will do. just don't let it be so poor thing lah ok.
yeah so bye..AGAIN.

6F'05, Sixeffohfive.
010105, perhaps?

Strings attached?
We love one another, and that's all that matters.

You promised;
A reunion!
Fun and love!
And lollipops?

Too long, we have been apart.

Put together;

Maybe elsewhere?
1 Adilah
4 Charlotte
8 Deborah
10 Felicia
12 Huda
13 Teryne
18 Sarah LEE
21 LIEW Weilin
23 Jiamin
27 Nadiah
28 Phyllis
31 Lisha
34 Eeiyn
36 Suyi
37 Jianan
38 Liting

Rewind please.
July 2005
August 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
April 2006
July 2006
August 2006
October 2006
March 2007
August 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008
July 2008

Thank you
Skin by 'POP
Base code by DancingSheep